16 Jun

Artificial intelligence implements collective intelligence (Centola et al. 2022 ; https://lnkd.in/eBQyJTSK) ; let's call it collective artificial intelligence, or CAI (sic).

By expressing yields & N-fertilizer use efficiences as a function of N-fertilization & soil productivity, Polyor's AgroNum approach to fertilizer management & sustainable agriculture (https://lnkd.in/eBmfT3NM) transforms a complex CAI problem - comparing the level of sustainability of cropping practices on different soils & pedoclimates from all across Europe, into a simple one - iAgroNum.

In fine, sustainable N-fertilizer response curves can thus be obtained for any field-plot, anywhere in Europe. These sustainable target yields & N-fertilizer recommendations are conducive to soil organic matter conservation and build-up. AgroNum is thus an important add-on to existing carbon-farming & carbon-removal schemes.

#agriculture #sustainability #artificialintelligence #sustainable #sustainableagriculture #eucarbonremovals #carbonfarming #durabilité #fertilisationraisonnée


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