22 Nov

SWEET SPOT, " ... an optimum point or combination of factors or qualities". When it comes to sustainable agriculture and soil organic matter conservation, the sweet spot is when & where nitrogen-fertilizer use efficiencies are neither too high, nor too low. Excessively high NfUE lead to soil-mining because nitrogen deprived crop residues cannot be properly humified; excessively low NfUE prime soil organic carbon mineralization by nitrogen rich soil microflora in dire need of such carbon substrates. Avoiding excessively low/high NfUEs as a balancing act conducive to sustainable agriculture has been repeatedly reported in the scientific literature; Schulte-Uebbing et al. 2021 (https://lnkd.in/eF3Q9B4n), Quemada et al. 2020 (https://lnkd.in/eAB7bvu9), Chukalla et al. 2020 (https://lnkd.in/e8xUCzk3), etc.
Polyor SAS's AgroNum approach to sustainable agriculture (https://lnkd.in/ghvQgxPN) implements this sweet spot approach to soil organic matter conservation. AgroNum's AI systematically removes such excessively high/low NfUEs from its calibration database. The resulting algorithm generates plot-specific N-fertilizer response curves applicable to each & every cereal, rapeseed, sunflower & grain-corn plot across Europe. These curves are then used to set precise sustainable grain yield targets & their corresponding N-fertilizer recommendations. It’s really that simple.
AgroNum's AI transforms recognized science into agricultural consultancy. Farmers need only indicate the field's centermost GPS coordinates and current target yield and N-fertilizer recommendations. No soil sampling, no image acquisition, no shapefiles or data uploads. Strictly ergonomic.
Better still. Modifying current cropping practices to attain AgroNum target yields will at times generate so-called refundable nitrogen-credits. Polyor SAS is working at standardizing these nitrogen credits as certified offsets in lieu of more conventional carbon-farming derived carbon-credits. Given the cost-effectiveness of these AgroNum carbon-credits proxies, farmers will profit more from soil-organic matter conservation conducive to sustainable agriculture.
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