The recent Carbon Farming Workshop sponsored by the EC's CR expert group ( was enlightening.
My take was that carbon-farming is for the time being probably most implementable at the regional/national level, not as agricultural consultancy at the farm/plot level. More so, field-sampling & in situ monitoring costs, along with (im)precision issues make carbon-credit issuing a bit of a guessing game.
I also pointed out that the nutrient cost - nitrogen in particular since stable soil organic matter is very nitrogen rich, have not been properly integrated into the carbon-farming equation. Also, there does not seem be much of a consensus as to which type of cropping practices are inherently sustainable, and which one's aren't.
Last but not least, carbon-farming protocles as presently proposed - especically in France via the LBCs (labels bas carbone), are complexe and not very ergonomic. All of this make CF-derived carbon-credit brokerage difficult, if not impossible at the farm level.
Polyor SAS's AI-based AgroNum approach to sustainable agriculture & fertilizer management ( is trying to get around some if not all of these problems by redefining sustainability using simple ergonomic nitrogen response curves. Alternative C & N credit pricing schemes are in the works. Yours to see since time will tell.
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