04 Jun

In response to IFRS-ISSB survey & exposure draft methodology for enhancing the international applicability of the SASB Standards, Polyor SAS (https://lnkd.in/eBmfT3NM) has proposed plot-specific N-fertilizer response curves & a unique iAgroNum index as accountable standard metrics of sustainable agriculture. Surely, this will contribute the ergonomics of carbon-farming & integrated fertilizer management. Recall that assessing the sustainability of field-crop production is challenging, to say the least, given the inherent heterogeneity across any agricultural field. As a result, the monitoring of GHG emissions and soil carbon stocks on a routine basis is thus the very imprecise. iAgroNum could become a viable alternative.
#sustainable #durabilité #agriculturedurable #fertilisationraisonnée #sustainability #agriculture #issb #sasb

Exemple dhttps://www.linkedin.com/posts/pierre-philippe-claude-31177171_polyor-sasiagronumsustainableagriculturemetric-activity-7071165132667527168-B7Ky?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktope texte

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